Frappe Technologies

Jun 5 2024 ยท 15:00 IST

ERPNext Product Demo by ERP Champions

If you are a business evaluating ERPNext & Frappe Products and not sure where to begin, you've reached the right place. This webinar will help you know how ERPNext can revolutionise your business operations.

What to expect in this webinar?

  • Overview of ERPNext, Frappe HR & Frappe Cloud
  • Ways to implement Frappe Applications like ERPNext & Frappe HR
  •  Interactive Q&A sessions
  •  Real-world scenarios and case studies around ERPNext

The product demo will cover an overview of CRM and Sales, Procurement, Manufacturing, Projects and Support, Accounting & Frappe HR & Payroll. We will also cover how customisations such as print template builder, web forms, notifications, workflow builder and report builder work. Lastly, we will talk about how to implement ERPNext either on your own or via our extensive partner ecosystem.

About the host:


Yusuf Mulinya (CFO & Co-Founder at @ERP Champions Limited) : He is an accountant by profession and has around 20 years of experience using and implementing Tally. He has upgraded himself to ERPNext and wishes to enable others also to be enabled with ERPNext.

When & How?

๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Save the date: 05th June 2024 | 3 pm IST

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